When we bought Kintala, she was missing her mainsail. They tell me that this was a result of trying to sail the boat home on Lake Michigan in 35kts with a really old mainsail which ended up in tatters. This was probably the best blessing in disguise. We were referred to
UK Halsey, mostly because the boat resided in Chicago at the time, the home of U.K. We contacted them and they sent someone down to the boatyard to measure the rig, and then followed up with a few phone calls to discuss what type of sail we wanted (loose footed), how many reefs (2), fully battened or no (yes), and they highly recommended the Strong Track system given the tall rig, the weight of the sail and the fact that we were a crew of 2. This was probably the best thing we ever did. As a result of having that Strong Track system, I can raise the main myself, something I undoubtedly would not be able to do had we not had it installed. Having both crew members be able to do all jobs is just another safety factor and I like safety factors. At every point the folks at U.K. were professional, courteous, knowledgeable, and reasonable. The customer service was excellent, the product was of the highest quality, and they delivered on time. If you need a new sail,
UK Halsey is definitely one that should be on the to of your look-see list.
I like this site and have already made note of a couple of things you have reviewed. It's so helpful to have opinions from people who have used the product but are not just posting anonymously to a site like Amazon. Looking forward to more of your reviews. Thanks.